Quote of the Moment

They’ve done studies, you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time. — Anchorman

Tuesday 12 April 2011

I better get a good mark!

Hey Folks,

Don't you just hate writing essays and you distract yourself with whatever you can just so you don't have to go through the torcher of writing a single word?.. Or is that just me?
I'm nearing the end of my Modern Text essay about Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway which Yes, I admit I didn't read all of it and Yes, I'm sick of writing about it.

A snapshot of my mind at work, or the scribble of notes..

I need to get to 1500 words, I've got 1,271 words in the whole document (excluding my works cited and quotes), so I guess I still have a long way to go.  GRR.

I've done many things today to distract myself from writing my essay:
1. Going to Uni
2. Meeting up with a friend at Uni
3. Buying a new pair of boots! (Which I love $29 at Kmat, BARGIN)
4. Facebook
5.Watching Scream (Getting reading for Scream 4 in 2 more sleeps!!!)
6. Eating
7.Taking long amounts of time doing things that shouldn't take long
8. Quizzes on Sporcle (Link on the sidebar)
9. Doing this post!!!
*10. Taking way to many unnecessary photos of my boots!!

And this leaves me at the end of my post.. now I have to continue with my essay.
But before I do I'll post a photo photos of my new boots!!

Photo Fail!

Showing off my boyfriends trackies that I live in (they are sooo comfy) more then my boots.

I think we have a winner *BEST SHOT OF THE BOOTS*
P.S they look really fat in this pic..darn

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