Quote of the Moment

They’ve done studies, you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time. — Anchorman

Tuesday 19 April 2011

April Fav's

These are my favourite things for April!

1. New Dress

I got this from Jay Jay's I never go in there anymore and this one day I did I found heaps of clothes that were my style in the bargain bin, I got this for $15!!!! Super Saving!

2.Papaw Ointment

This stuff is great! You can put it on anything, I put it on my lips and dry skin on my face.  You only need a little bit at a time, this tube will last ages! I think I bought this particular one at Chicken Feed (LMAO) but you can get them at any shop that has cosmetics really, supermarkets, Priceline etc.

3. G (Gwen Stefani  Purfume) 

I LUVVVV this perfume. This is MY scent! I wear it all the time, mostly to events or nights out.  Ive been using this for over 2 years! Love it, the smell most reminds me of Malibu Rum so it's very coconuty but fruity. All the other scents in this range are great except for one which I think is called Baby.. so stay away from it.  Once again Priceline, Myer etc will stock this. Looking usually at $60.

4. Fossil Purse

This is my purse.  I got it for my birthday last year so I've had it for about 7 months.  It had lots of card space but not so much for coins.  I love the design, the brand Fossil has a lot of things in this style, they have many different types of bags and purses. I got this one from Myer, they also can be ordered online or found on Ebay.  I think it was around $70.

5. Vaseline Hand Cream

Working in a Deli your heads get tooo dry its not funny.  This stuff is really good I use it during my shift and after.  I hate having dry hands.  This stuff is also very good for your nails (since its hand and NAIL cream) but the Vaseline brand has different cream for different things.  Nearly everywhere would sell this.

6. Rekodelig Cider

Seriously, if you are a person who hasn't tried this stuff yet you are missing out!!  My cousin introduced me to this cider.  I had never had any type of cider before but this stuff is AMAZING.  The Strawberry-Lime is to die for!  The pear is very tasty, Mixed Berry wasn't so good and I haven't tied Apple but I'm guessing its good.  But yeah Strawberry-Lime is perfect with ice, lime and strawberries in it on a relaxing Friday night.  Its not something you would buy to get drunk off.  They cost around $5-7 a bottle depending where you go, Dan Murphy's I think is the cheapest I've seen so far.

7. Empire Mag

This months Empire was pretty good, There are a lot of upcoming movies that I am interested in that were featured such as SCREAM 4, Thor, Green Lantern etc (I love my super heroes). Empire is sold anywhere that magazines are costing usually $8, I haven't bought one in ages so it might have changed (I have a subscription).  And while I'm on it if you buy this every month go get a subscription, you get free DVD's I received 2 copies of  "The Shining" on blue ray and 2 copies of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" - two of the remake but one featured the original on it as well.) I know what you would be thinking "why would I wants 2 copies?" - Too sell on Ebay of course..

8. Supercouch

If you haven't already made a super couch GO DO IT because it is so much fun!  This is my team ^ I like to think I am a SUPERcouch ha.  GO THE DEE'S!!!
9. SCREAM Movies

If you haven't seen Scream 4 yet, DO IT! It's a great film.  Speaking of which all the movies are great. If you see it tell me what you think of it!  Watch the first 3 and then go see 4, its a good idea to be lazy and have fun with a few friends.  Come on guys its the holidays your allowed to be lazy and eat crap might as well do it watching some scary movies.  I miss being 15 having sleepovers and watching scary shit, eating shit and talking shit. GOOD TIMES!

10. Nail Polish!

(Sorry for on picture, the lighting won't work with my hand/nails)

I miss wearing nail polish, working in a Deli were "not allowed" too.  Stuff this I miss wearing interesting colours that reflect my mood.  So the last few weeks I have done just that.  I started with Clear (started off safe), then went to pale pink (slowing getting there), then had orange (oh I went there) and this week I have a hot pink colour called Coral.  Revlon have really nice colours and stay on for ages so give them a try.

Hope this post was interesting! xx

1 comment:

Red Lip Gloss said...

That purse is really cute. Love it