Quote of the Moment

They’ve done studies, you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time. — Anchorman

Thursday 26 May 2011

Stationary can be Fun!

Hey All!

I'm a person who loves my stationary. I love having the coolest bits and bobs that people admire!  I have always loved stationary since I was little.  These are a few of my newer items in my collection..
(sorry about the lighting in the photos having trouble with my camera once again!!)

These are little notebooks I got from Typo about $5 - $10 for the set.  All the colours and patterns are cute, they are very handy and the perfect size to put in your handbag.

I got this photo album also from Typo.  Can't remember how much. I'm going to save it for photos from a trip somewhere, hopefully Europe or the US.

These are like post it notes but they have different things on them, you can stick them in books and use them as markers for particular pages or use them in a filing system.  I got these from Typo once again for $13 or so.  They are cute and handy to have around.

I got this weekly planner from Smiggle.  Cost me around $10.  Very handy to plan out your week, I use it all the time because I am that unorganised haha. They had this is different colours, pink, blue, purple, green and more.

I heart these note books so much!  I got them from Target about $8 each.  They are so cute and their oldish style makes them even more cute.  I've seen many other people with these so I guess they are very popular.  The elephant one is my favourite!  I am currently using the silver one as a diary sort of thing.

I got this case from Sportsgirl for around $8.  I use this case for cute paper things to go in. I have clothing tags, stickers, perfume tester cards and loads more.

Thats all for today!


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