Quote of the Moment

They’ve done studies, you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time. — Anchorman

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Breakfast is good!

Breakfast is one of the best meals of the day.  Everyone should be eating breakfast its important for weight control, energy and helps keep up your metabolism.

This is my breaky this morning.

Green Tea: If your not drinking green tea I would say get to it straight away.  I never used to like the taste of it but once you start drinking in you get used to it.  I have 2 a day.  It is great for to  lowering total cholesterol levels (don't ask me how haha), weight loss and reduces heart disease and cancer.

Oatbran Muffin: My mum makes these oatbrain muffins they are packed with fibre to keep you full during the day.  They are small but it really goes keep me full until lunch! I will get the recipe from my mum and update this post ASAP.

Fruit: Its a great idea to also start off your day with fruit. It is recommended that you have 2-4 servings of fruit a day so you might as well start of having some for breakfast.  They give you good carberhydrates that will also give you energy during the day.

Hope everyone has a fantastic day! Remember to smile! :)


Red Lip Gloss said...

Kuddos to you and the whole drinking green tea thing but I just can't get past the taste. I'm going to have to maybe put some honey in it or even lemon...


jordynmarie_25 said...

Haha yeah it took me a while to get used to it, lemon works really nice :)