Quote of the Moment

They’ve done studies, you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time. — Anchorman

Friday 16 November 2012

American Horror Story—Asylum Episode 3

*Sorry for late post I have been doing school work*

Oh my, wow!
What an ending this episode had.
I really really like Shelly and it is sad that Ardin had to cut half of her legs off.  I think this is just the beginning with Ardin and his weird behaviour.

Another thing that really intrigued me this episode was the interaction between Lana and Dr Thredson.  But it does make me question him and his motives.  I know he believes that Lana is not crazy but why would be go to her house to check up on her girlfriend?  I mean for all he knows Lana could be a whack job.  I just think its strange that he makes sure an effort for her.

I knew it! Sister Mary is being possessed by Satan.  It just made to much sense late episode that it was in fact Satan.  One thing I want to know about Sister Mary is why one earth was she helping Dr Ardin in the first place with his creatures?  I can understand why Satan would help hm, but why was she helping him before she was possessed?  I guess it might just be because of her weak personality and she might get persuaded easily. 

Is it just me or do other find Sister Jude a bit boring?  I like her character but I feel that I am finding her subplots and story's boring compared to the other action that is going on in the show.  What do you guys think?

Can't wait to see what happens in the next episode, it was left on such a high point!

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