Quote of the Moment

They’ve done studies, you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time. — Anchorman

Friday 16 November 2012

American Horror Story—Asylum Episode 4

In this episode we learn a little more about Grace—which I have been waiting for ever since the show started. She tells Kit that she was framed for the murder of her Father and Step Mother. But as the show goes on we learn that she actually killed her Father and Step Mother because of the abuse she was receiving. I found it a really hoot that the creators depicted her as an innocent girl and then showed that she actually is a crazy killer.

The whole Anne Frank aspect of this episode was fine—I don't know much about her but I do like how they incorporate famous names into their episodes. I enjoy the aspect of an alternative interpretation.

Ardin a nazi—would never have guessed ...

Kit second guessing his sanity was an interesting subplot, you would think that all of the people locked up in their would do that same. I still think he is innocent though, Bloody Face is still out there.

Speaking of Bloody Face, Dr Thredson is number 1 on my radar list as the serial killer. This is because of gross scene involving Lana, I don't think there is any psychologists out there that would make a patient do that. I get the feeling that there is more to him. Why does he want to get Lana out of the asylum so bad?

What the hell is going on with Shelly. I feel so sorry for the poor girl. Since that start I would have never thought that she would end up like this. Damn that Ardin! He is a sick fiend and I hope he gets his now that 'Anne Frank' has seen Shelly.

Another great episode!!

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