Quote of the Moment

They’ve done studies, you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time. — Anchorman

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Ringer (Review)

I have only just started watching the show Ringer in the last couple of weeks.  I have made up my mind in saying that I enjoy it, it has flaws but I still like it.

I am a huge Sarah Michelle Gellar fan (thanks to Buffy) and wanted to checkout her latest TV show.  When I went into watching it I didn't really know what to expect.  The after the first episode I was left wanting more and continued to watch.  I found this to be so during the end of each episode, all you wanted to do was watch the next one and find out what is going on. 

It has a wonderful cast, SMG is great in her role/s, a recognisable Ioan Gruffudd, Nestor Cadbonell and a reasonably new face Kristoffer Polaha. I love the doppelganger story line, SMG does a great job and the crew do a great job of editing everything together when both of them are in a scene.

The show is indeed plot driven and the mystery regarding the plot intriguing but I can still understand why many people have a problem with the show.  The show has a lot of things that it needs to explain to make sense so therefore has many flashbacks and does pull a few things out of left field making you think "as if" or "whatever".  In saying this I believe that because it is the first season introducing the characters pasts influence there present behaviour and therefore are needed.  But the flashbacks do tend to get annoying since they happen so frequently.

Another thing is the  subplots within the show ignited by minor characters for example Juliet,  I just hope that everything that happens in the show will amount to something and not just be there to add more things into the show to make up the time.

I do agree that the show carries elements of soup opera and melodrama but I think it works well and will attract audiences.  I would compare its melodrama to shows such as One Tree Hill and Pretty Little Liars, these are all shows that at the end of each episode I was left wanting more or to find out what happens next.

I am only half way through the season but I am looking forward to finishing it.

In saying all this I hope it is renewed, I believe a second season is what this show needs for everything to come together better.  My only worry is that how much of a story does it have left to tell.

Rating: 6.5/10
Fav Ep to date: That's What You Get for Trying to Kill Me

Tell my in the comments what your thoughts are on Ringer?  Do you like it, loath it or think it deserves a second season.

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